Craft Gin Trail

The Gin Trail is a self-guided tour. Please contact each distillery directly for hours of operation, activities and tours.







Craft Gin Trail Passport Contest

The Craft Gin Trail invites you to experience award winning, handcrafted gin at six unique Ontario distilleries in Wellington County, Perth County and Waterloo Region. Follow the steps below to be entered into a draw every six months.

How to Participate:

1. Pick up a Craft Gin Trail Passport at any of the participating distilleries. 

2. Get a unique Craft Gin Trail logo stamp each tim you visit a participating distillery.

3. Once you have collected 3 (or more!) stamps, e-mail with a photo of the stamp page, along with your full name, phone number and mailing address. 

A winner will be drawn out of all received entries twice a year.

Upcoming Contest Deadline – December 11, 2022